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Did the Thief on the Cross Go to Heaven After He Died? – Luke 23:43

The Thief on the Cross Went to Heaven



In today’s study we will address the topic: “Did the Thief on the Cross Go to Heaven After His Death?“. We will analyze one of the most controversial texts about what happens to human beings after their death.

Biblical Account

The text in question is Luke 23:43, which tells of the time when Christ was crucified and with him were two other thieves, one on each side. The thief on his left mocked Christ and did not believe his word. The thief on the right, however, recognized his mistake and showed repentance for his actions. Recognizing Jesus as Savior, the thief on the right made a request to Christ, saying: “Lord, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” (Luke 23:42). In response to his repentance and request, Jesus replied:

Luke 23:43 – “And Jesus said to him, ‘Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise.

The Majority Interpretation

The words Jesus gave in response suggest that on that very day, right after their deaths, they would both be together in Paradise. Based on this passage, many Christians understand that when they die, a spiritual entity leaves their bodies and goes to Heaven. The problem with this interpretation is that it does not agree with several other biblical passages on this subject, as we will see below.

Where Did Jesus Go After His Death?

Consider that Jesus said these words on Friday, the day he was crucified. During the Sabbath, Jesus remained in his tomb and, at dawn on Sunday, he was resurrected. Some women went to visit him in the tomb at dawn on the day of the resurrection. They did not find him inside the tomb and thought that someone had taken his body to another place. At that moment, Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene, and she, surprised by what she saw before her eyes, heard the following words from him:

John 20:17 – “Jesus said to her, ‘Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. But go to my brothers and tell them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’’

Understand that this was the third day after his death. Where was Jesus during this period? Had he gone to Heaven, the place where God is? Certainly not, because the words spoken to Mary were very clear. Jesus had not yet ascended to his Father, and would only ascend to see him after that moment! It is clear that these words create a conflict with the interpretation that the thief on Jesus’ right would be with him in Paradise that same day (Friday), since Christ himself told Mary that he had not yet ascended to the Father!

Attention: Eternal Life, Only on the Last Day!

Furthermore, the idea that the saved righteous go to heaven (or any other place) after their death does not square with Jesus’ teaching about when we will receive the “eternal life“:

John 6:40 – “For this is the will of him who sent me, that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him may have eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day.

According to the words of Christ, receiving the “eternal life” will only occur on the day of resurrection, also called “last day“In other words, there is no “eternal life” before that day! Based on this passage, we already have the idea that the Thief on the Cross did not go to Heaven after his death.

The Destiny of the Human Being in His Death

In the plan of salvation, Jesus’ saving death made it possible for us to recover the restoration of the physical body, character, and eternal life that were lost in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve sinned. As a consequence of their disobedience, God forbade human beings from accessing the fruit of the Tree of Life and declared what would happen to them:

Genesis 3:19 – “In the sweat of your face you will eat bread, till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for dust you are, and to dust you will return.

God explicitly pointed out the destiny of human beings after sin. Their destiny would be to return to the place from which they came. God created their bodies from the dust of the earth, and there they would return! This is the destiny of human beings after their death! It was God Himself who made this clear! There is no other place for us to go after death!

Nonsense: Don’t Eat the Fruit, But Go to Paradise After You Die!

It is unreasonable to think that God prohibited human beings from consuming the fruit of the “Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil“having death as a consequence, and after this death such a person would be taken to live in Paradise, according to the interpretation given in the text of Luke 23:43 (the thief on the cross)! Physical death was one of the consequences of sin! It is a penalty, and not a benefit for us to live in a better place! Therefore, it is not possible that the thief on the cross went to heaven after his death!

Destiny is the Dust of the Earth

The wise Solomon understood this perfectly. He himself explained this thought in these words:

Ecclesiastes 3:19-20 – “For what happens to the sons of men happens to the beasts, and one thing happens to them; as one dies, so dies the other; and they all have the same breath; so that man has no advantage over beasts, for they are all vanity. All go to one place; all were made of dust, and all return to dust.

Solomon mentions that the same thing happens with the “sons of men” also happens “to animals“. He claims “the same thing” for both. Everyone has the “same breath” of life. In death, all “go to one place; all were made from dust, and all will return to dust“! There is no distinction here, and all living beings will return to the dust of the earth from which they were created! The “breath of life“, often called “spirit” in the Bible, returns to God, because there is no longer a physical body made of clay to remain alive!

Unfortunately, many people misunderstand the subject of death. They do not understand Sin, the Plan of Redemption, and the Resurrection! They make mistakes with their interpretations of various biblical texts on this subject.

Examples of Other Righteous People Who Did Not Go to Heaven After Their Death

I would like you to consider the following regarding the other people who died:

Daniel 12:13 – “But you, go your way until the end; for you will rest, and you will stand up in your inheritance at the end of the days.

At the end of his life, the prophet Daniel heard such words from an angel. He had told Daniel that he would rest, and rise again in his “inheritance, at the end of days“. God promised the prophet that he would receive the inheritance of eternal life only at the end of days, and not before that!

Acts 2:34 – “For David did not ascend into the heavens, but he himself says: The Lord said to my Lord: Sit at my right hand

The apostle Peter explained to the Jews that King David had not ascended to heaven! His destiny was the same as that of the prophet Daniel. He would rest in the dust of the earth until the time of the end!

2 Timothy 4:7,8 – “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. From now on there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me on that day; and not to me only but also to all who have loved his appearing.

The apostle Paul also made it clear that “the crown of righteousness“was reserved for him to receive only”that day“, that is, the “last day” when Christ raises up all who have believed in him! The same is also said about “all who love his appearing“! And here is also included the thief on the right of the cross of Jesus! In other words, he will also only receive “the crown of righteousness” only in “last day“, and not before that! Neither Paul, nor the disciples, nor Mary, nor the thief on the cross went to heaven after death! No one received the crown of righteousness!

1 Peter 5:4 – “And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the unfading crown of glory.

The apostle Peter presents the same idea when he states that “the incorruptible crown of glory” will only be achieved when the “Chief Shepherd” appear again!

Remember What Jesus Taught About the Subject

And finally, I would like to mention one of Jesus’ teachings:

Luke 14:12-14 – “And he said also to him that had invited him, When thou givest a dinner or a supper, invite not thy friends, nor thy brethren, nor thy kinsmen, nor rich neighbours; lest they also bid thee in return, and thou be repaid. But when thou biddest, invite the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind: and thou shalt be blessed: for they cannot repay thee: but thou shalt be repaid at the resurrection of the just.

At the end of the text above, Christ makes it clear that if we do as he teaches us, we will be “blessed” and “rewarded” on the day of “resurrection of the just“, and not before that!

Therefore, there is no possibility that the Thief on the right side of the cross of Christ went to Paradise on that same day for the following reasons:

  1. Jesus did not ascend to heaven on the day he died.
  2. The consequence of sin is death, and there is no life after this event.
  3. We will only have life again on that great day of resurrection.
  4. None of the saved saints (David, Daniel, Paul, Peter, etc.) have yet received eternal life. They all believed that this would only happen at the end of time.
  5. Jesus himself stated that the reward would only occur with the resurrection of the righteous, an act that will only occur with the return of Jesus.

Verse Structural Analysis

But after all, if the thief on the cross did not go to Heaven that day, then what do those words of Jesus mean? Let us read them again:

Luke 23:43 – “And Jesus said to him, ‘Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise.

Two Possible Interpretations

There are at least two lines of thought regarding this issue. The first is based on the biblical idea that death is comparable to a “sleep“. Jesus himself reinforced this idea when his friend Lazarus died (John 11:11). Based on this idea, the “time” between death and resurrection is nothing more than a “open and close your eyes” (1 Corinthians 15:52).

Just as a person who is sleeping is not aware of what is happening around him or of time passing, the same occurs with those who are dead. When they are resurrected, everything will happen in a fraction of a second, in a simple “open and close your eyes“. For the thief on the cross who died at the time of Christ, the resurrection on the last day will be like going to Paradise on that very day, for “time” makes no difference to those who are dead!

The second line of thought that analyzes the text of Luke 23:43 is related to another possibility in the translation of the Greek text. The original languages ​​of the Bible (Aramaic, Hebrew and Greek) do not have punctuation marks. Therefore, translators apply punctuation based on their interpretation of the text. The translators translated and adapted the biblical text to the Portuguese language. According to them, this passage can be translated as follows:

Luke 23:43 – “And Jesus said to him, Verily I say unto thee , Today shalt thou be with me in paradise.

In this case, there would be no subordinating conjunction “that “, and the “ comma” or “colon” ​​sign should be placed to add the real meaning to Christ’s words. That is, that he would be promising on that day that both would be together in Paradise, an event that would only happen on the day of the “ resurrection of the just “, as Jesus himself taught during his ministry.


In any case, there are at least two ways to understand this text. The most important thing is not to consider wrong interpretations that invalidate the biblical message and create false teaching in relation to the biblical promises and the teachings of Christ.

May God bless us!

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