The knowledge we obtain from the Bible goes far beyond simply reading it; it guides us, strengthens our faith, and protects us from misinterpretation. In this article, we will explore the importance of studying Scripture daily, the need to stay within the bounds of what is written, and how the Bible should be our standard of faith. We will examine fundamental principles that help us better understand God’s Word and apply it correctly in our lives.
The Importance of Knowing Biblical Passages
Who has never been impressed by seeing people capable of quoting passages by heart, locating them easily, or even presenting and explaining diverse topics through a good explanation of the Bible?
Knowledge of the Scriptures is of paramount importance, even more so in the times in which we live. With the proliferation and emergence of new churches over time, the ministers of these denominations create their doctrines using various biblical passages, often taken out of context. In this way, people absorb error and lies into their minds and hearts.
But the knowledge we gain from the Bible does not only serve to prevent deception. It is also the means by which God reveals Himself to us. Through the pages of Scripture, we encounter a God of love who reveals Himself to His children in different situations. The Bible also teaches us the path of righteousness that we must walk when we accept the salvation granted by God. It presents all the conditions for the righteousness of Christ to be part of our lives. Through it, we can find the way to salvation.
In the midst of this scenario, the Bible presents some passages where we can obtain a solid foundation for it. In light of the passages presented below, we can find 3 principles that every Christian should have with the Scriptures. Let’s see what these principles are:
1. Study the Scriptures
Joshua 1:8 – “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth; but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.“
In the passage above we find an order from God given to Joshua. This order, which is also a warning, shows us that we must meditate daily on the law of the Lord. At the time of Joshua, only the law existed in written form, but later other books were added.
The principle presented in this passage shows us that we should read the Bible every day and meditate on it. But just meditating is not enough. As the text says, we must have the “Be careful to do according to all that is written in it“. Reading and meditating are essential, because through reading we learn what the Lord’s will is for us. However, we should not stop at reading and meditating. We need to put into practice the knowledge we obtain from the Bible. The Lord’s blessings will come to those who put into practice what they have learned.
Paul commended Timothy on this attitude he had toward the Scriptures. He said the following words to Timothy:
2 Timothy 3:15 – “And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.“
It is the duty of all of us to dedicate time daily to learning what God expects of us in His Word.
2. Do not go beyond what is written
1 Corinthians 4:6 – “And I, brethren, have applied these things by similitude to myself and Apollos for your sake, that ye might learn from us not to go beyond what is written, and not to be puffed up in favor of one against another.“
By studying the Bible daily, we will gain knowledge of the truth. However, studying the Bible alone can become dangerous if we misinterpret certain passages of the Bible. We must allow the Spirit of God to speak His will in our minds. If we are not careful, we can create interpretations that say things other than what is written. Paul himself left us this principle, and we should take it as the basis for studying the Bible.
“Do not go beyond what is written“. If everyone followed this principle, they would avoid many erroneous doctrines. How much doctrinal confusion would have ceased to exist in people’s minds!
For example, have you ever noticed that the Scriptures nowhere mention that the holy day is Sunday? Yet many people have interpreted that the day of worship changed from Saturday to Sunday because Jesus was resurrected on that day.
Another example we find of teachings that go beyond what is written is about divinity. In the Bible we find texts that mention God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, but in no biblical passage do we find an explanation that these three names mentioned refer to three co-eternal and co-equal persons who form one God. This doctrine is called the Trinity, but no page of the Scriptures provides this definition. These are just a few examples of what it means to go beyond what is written. We must be careful not to fall into this error. That is why it is important to have the knowledge that we obtain from the Bible!
3. Taking the Bible as a rule of faith
Ecclesiastes 7:27 – “Behold, this I have found, says the preacher, weighing one thing against another to find the reason for them.“
Since many doctrines arise from isolated interpretations of biblical passages, often distorting their true meaning, we need a means of verifying whether a given teaching is true or not. This means is to compare biblical passages that deal with the same subject. It is also essential to consider the context.
For example, people who defend the doctrine of the immortality of the soul use several passages to justify this belief. However, when we read the other passages related to the state of the dead, together with the passages that speak about the resurrection and the judgment, we will arrive at the correct understanding that the dead are not “ alive ” anywhere else, but at the moment rest in the dust of the earth. In this case, realize that several biblical passages can support a wrong interpretation. Therefore, we must always compare passages to confirm their veracity. Another text that assures us of this principle is the one from Isaiah:
Isaiah 8:19-20 – “When they say to you, ‘Consult those who have mediums and mediums who whisper and mutter,’ should not a people consult their God? Should they consult the dead on behalf of the living? Should they consult the law and the testimony? If they do not speak according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.“
As the prophet mentioned, we should not believe any message we receive, whether it comes from people who have spiritual knowledge or not. He gives us the basis of assurance that we are being deceived or not. Here he shows us that we should compare the testimony that is being presented to us with the content written in the Law. If they are not in harmony, then such teaching is not true.
Another important point in this text is the need to avoid beliefs based on “guesswork“. We should not put our own opinions ahead of what is written. Our “I think ” or “I believe ” must be based on the Bible. If this is not the case, we will easily fall into error. We should have more faith in the Word of God than in ourselves.
Final Considerations
If we apply these three basic principles of the Lord’s Word, we will grow stronger each day and will find it harder to fall into Satan’s trap. We must dedicate ourselves to studying the Bible, not allowing ourselves to go beyond what is written, and basing all our faith on the Scriptures.
Only through the study of the Scriptures will we gain knowledge of their contents. We cannot expect this knowledge to come to us miraculously, for the Bible provides no basis for such thinking. Our duty with regard to this book is to study it according to the principles presented. To take it up and study it daily, putting into practice what we learn from it.
May God bless the reader.