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The Change in Man After the Fall

The Change in Man After the Fall



The Change in Man After the Fall completely transformed his nature and his relationship with God. From the beginning, God created man in His own image and likeness (Genesis 1:26-27), endowed with purity, holiness, and communion with the Creator. In the course of this article, we will see how Adam’s disobedience brought profound consequences for all humanity, making them slaves to sin and separated from the Creator. We will discover how the image of God in man was corrupted, how the inclination toward evil became part of his nature, and why he became carnal and sold to sin. We will also explore the need for Christ to restore this condition and the hope we find in Him for redemption.

Man Became a Servant of Sin

Before the fall, Adam was free to obey God, but by choosing to disobey, he became a slave to sin and Satan. The Word teaches us that “for by whom one is overcome, of that one is also a servant” (2 Peter 2:19). The Change in Man After the Fall made mankind a slave to sin. Adam, by giving in to temptation, gave up his freedom and came under the dominion of evil. Paul reaffirms this principle:

Romans 6:16 – “Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?

Paul makes it clear that there is no neutrality in this matter: either man is a slave to sin, which leads to death, or a slave to obedience, which leads to righteousness (Romans 6:16). This means that, without God’s intervention, the human heart naturally leans toward disobedience and carnal desires. This slavery prevents man from seeking God on his own, making him spiritually dead and distant from true life.

Bondage to sin is not only manifested in visible acts of transgression, but in a corrupt nature that affects thoughts, desires, and intentions. Fallen man cannot produce righteousness on his own, for his inclination is toward error. However, God, in His grace, offers deliverance through Jesus Christ. Only in Him do we find the power to be free from this dominion and return to living according to God’s will.

Man Begat Children in His Own Corrupt Image

In the beginning, God created man in His own image, but after sin, man marred that image. Genesis 5:1-3 makes this clear when it mentions Adam’s genealogy, saying that he begot children in his own image and likeness:

Genesis 5:1-3 – “This is the book of the generation of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God he made him. Male and female he created them, and he blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day they were created. And Adam lived one hundred and thirty years, and begot a son in his own likeness, after his image, and called his name Seth

This means that Adam’s descendants inherited not only the natural life, but also the sinful nature. Man, who was once the pure image of God, now begot children with an inclination toward sin.

All Humanity Has Inherited a Sinful Nature

Adam’s sin was not an isolated event; it profoundly affected all of humanity. By disobeying God, he not only lost his fellowship with the Creator, but he also passed on his corrupt nature to his descendants. From that moment on, all human beings were born under the influence of sin, separated from divine righteousness. As Paul states, the disobedience of one man made many sinners:

Romans 5:19 – “For as by one man’s disobedience the many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one the many will be made righteous

David expresses this reality clearly in Psalm 51:5, acknowledging that his mother conceived him in sin. This means that the inclination toward evil is not something we develop throughout life, but a condition with which we are born. From an early age, human beings reveal signs of this fallen nature, demonstrating selfishness, rebellion, and desires contrary to God’s will. Sin is not just an isolated act, but a spiritual condition that dominates the heart of man and prevents him from seeking holiness on his own.

This sinful heritage explains why humanity, without divine intervention, has drifted further and further away from God. Without Christ, there is no possibility of restoration, for the corruption of sin affects every area of ​​human life. However, just as condemnation came through one man, so too has justification come through one: Jesus Christ. He is the only solution to this condition, bringing a new nature to those who believe in Him. Only through His obedience and sacrifice can we be freed from the dominion of sin and restored to fellowship with God.

Man’s Inclinations are towards Evil

Man’s fallen nature inclines him to sin, so that he cannot change himself. The Change in Man After the Fall has created this serious problem for us. Jeremiah illustrates this clearly:

Jeremiah 13:23 – “Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? Can you then do good, who have been taught to do evil?

This passage shows us that just as an animal cannot change its appearance, man, by his own strength, cannot change his sinful nature. Without God’s intervention, the human heart will always turn to evil ways.

David recognized this weakness and prayed:

Psalms 119:5 – “Oh, that my ways may be directed so that I may keep your statutes!

He understood that only with God’s help could he walk in righteousness.

The Man Disconnected from Christ is Carnal and Sold to Sin

Romans 7:14 – “For we know that the law is spiritual, but I am carnal, sold under sin

Man’s carnal nature without Christ keeps him in a condition of spiritual slavery. Paul, when he states that “the law is spiritual, but he himself is carnal and sold under sin(Romans 7:14), highlights the inability of human beings to live righteously by their own strength. Sin is not just a set of bad actions, but a power that dominates the life of a person separated from God. Even if the conscience recognizes the good, the flesh tends toward disobedience, making it impossible to please God without the intervention of Christ.

The Change in Man After the Fall made man naturally disconnected from God and sold to sin, living in a carnal way. This slavery prevents man from achieving true righteousness, because his natural inclination always drags him towards error. Without Christ, he remains trapped in sin, unable to free himself on his own. God’s law reveals the standard of holiness, but without a new spiritual birth, man cannot fulfill it. Only Jesus Christ can transform this condition, because He rescues us from the dominion of sin and gives us a new heart, enabling us to live according to God’s will.

We Need Christ for Salvation

If Adam’s fall brought condemnation, Christ’s work brought redemption. If through one man death entered the world, through another God offered eternal life. Only through Jesus Christ can we be freed from the dominion of sin and restored to fellowship with God. Jesus came to free us from this slavery:

John 8:36 – “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed

Thus, the only hope for fallen man is in Christ. Only through Him can we have a new nature and be reconciled to God.

Conclusion: The Change in Man After the Fall

The fall of Adam brought about a drastic change for all humanity. Man, who was created in the image and likeness of God, became a slave to sin and began to father children according to his own corrupt nature. His inclination toward evil alienated him from the Creator, rendering him incapable of achieving righteousness on his own. However, God, in His mercy, provided a solution: Jesus Christ. Only through Him can we be freed from this slavery and restored to fellowship with God. May we recognize our need for Christ and trust in Him as our only Savior, for in Him we find redemption and true life.

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