Is Sabbath Keeping Still Valid?
Introduction Is keeping the Sabbath still valid? This is a question that generates debate among Christians of different denominations. Some believe that God established this commandment exclusively for Israel, while
Introduction Is keeping the Sabbath still valid? This is a question that generates debate among Christians of different denominations. Some believe that God established this commandment exclusively for Israel, while
Introduction In the article “Jesus Worked on the Sabbath – John 5:17“, we will seek to understand the context in which Jesus made this statement and what it really means.
Introduction In this study, “Did Jesus Break the Law by Healing on the Sabbath? “, we will explore a much-debated topic: the healings performed by Jesus on the Sabbath and their
Introduction There are many interpretations about what the mark of the beast mentioned in Revelation 13 could be, ranging from technological implants to government laws. However, little is said about
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